Cage & Accounting Operations (LPRM108)
This course reviews asset protection pertaining to cheating techniques for cage operations. The course includes employee theft, collusion, fraud and other relevant issues.
Claims Investigations (LPRM200)
This course discusses claims investigations including emphasis on reports, evidence, photos and statements.
Food & Beverage, Retail (LPRM109)
This course describes various techniques for the prevention of theft from food & beverage retail departments by employees and customers. The course also covers vendor-employee collusion.
Homeland Security & Emergency Response (LPRM107)
This course provides insights into the preparation for emergency situations. Methods for providing surveillance coverage are outlined.
Internal Audits (LPRM106)
This class explores the extensive paper trail that is associated with internal auditing. The instructor also discusses how surveillance is associated with the investigation process.
Internal Theft & Fraud (LPRM105)
This course will offer valuable insight into internal theft and fraud. The class will learn how to detect the ways hotel & casino properties are vulnerable to these activities.
Players Club/Promotions (LPRM111)
This course reviews player’s club/promotions policies and procedures. The instructor describes ways to improve internal controls from a surveillance perspective.
Workplace Violence Prevention (LPRM300)
Violence in the workplace comes in many forms, from the would-be robber to the disgruntled employee. Many of these types of violence can be prevented if our employees are aware of the signs.