Video Review and Investigation

By |2020-02-27T00:41:58+00:00February 27th, 2020|Articles, Trends & Best Practices|

A large part of a surveillance agent’s job is reviewing video to locate an incident or event such as theft, guest slip or fall, or a violation of policy by an employee. While these types of review and many others are conducted almost daily, most surveillance personnel have never received any formal training nor has there been an industry-wide best practice established for conducting reviews. This lack of training results in inefficient review as well as the poor documenting and securing of necessary evidence.

Demystifying Surveillance

By |2019-11-21T05:16:57+00:00November 21st, 2019|Articles|

The surveillance department is a mystery to those outside it. And it should be. There really isn’t any reason why most employees and guests need to know anything about how surveillance operates.

The Changing Focus of the Casino Surveillance Team

By |2019-08-26T02:36:31+00:00August 26th, 2019|Articles, Growth & Change|

Old-time surveillance directors (and I’m certainly one of them) will tell you that when we started it was all about table games. In those days, they really were the only game in town as far as the casino was concerned. The casino shift manager was God, and the floor people and dealers were like the rich kids at school. They only hung out with each other, made all the money, got all the girls, and drove the best cars. They even had their own break rooms and food!


By |2017-01-31T04:31:20+00:00January 30th, 2017|Articles, Trends & Best Practices|

For the most part, litigation involving claims of inadequacy and negligence where surveillance or security had a legal duty to protect their patron from foreseeable harm remained consistent with prior years. I received calls from both defense attorneys representing casinos and plaintiff attorneys representing customers who felt they were wronged in some way.

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