
Slot Advantage Play and Persistent State Slot Machines


Domain II: Game Protection – Slot Protection

Slot advantage play is still alive and well, and can fly under the radar through the popularization of persistent state slot machines. Modern surveillance teams should be able to identify the associated tells surrounding this problem and implement processes to protect their properties.

Presenter: Mike Kelley, CSP

Mike Kelley has been in the gaming surveillance industry for 8 years and in a management position for 5. A member of IACSP since 2020, Mike has made several contributions to White Papers as well as presentations of Internal Theft & Fraud and Cheating Tells. Before entering the gaming industry, Mike served 6 years in the United States Navy as an Intelligence Specialist. There, he honed his skills in refining raw intelligence & data into practical and useful information. His focus on mission planning and training has translated to leading one of Washington’s most productive and talented Surveillance teams. Mike has climbed the ranks under prolific mentorship from Derk Boss and currently works for Jeff Murphy at Angel of the Winds Casino.

CEU and certificate will be awarded upon completion of live webinar and quiz.

CSP This webinar is a required course for the CSP examination.
Timezone Pacific Standard Time (San Francisco, GMT-08:00)


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