A Message from IACSP President Derk Boss
One of the great speakers featured at the Casino Resort Protection Conference is Donald Childers. Don is the Vice President of Surveillance and Loss Prevention for Cherokee Nation Entertainment. Don is also the Chairman of the Gaming and Wagering Protection Council for ASIS International., and is a board member of IACSP.
One of Don’s great strengths and one that he is sure to impart to our attendees is his understanding of how security, surveillance, and loss prevention teams work together to protect the property. His innovative ideas about training for our teams charged with protecting our properties, as well as the use of technology to enhance our efforts, are helping lead us into the future.
Personally, I have learned so much from Don over the years about networking, training personnel for both security and surveillance and how to be successful in our unforgiving environment. You will too. Don is one of the best at what he does. Don’t miss him. I won’t!
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